Saturday, February 6, 2010

Nice Nurses

I took Cooper to the pediatrician today. Poor baby was circumcised last Thursday and has been discontent since. On Wednesday of this week, I noticed what looked like a large blister on the end of his little pee pee. :( Anyway, Dr.Harsh took a looksie at it and believes it is healing (just going the long way around the barn to get there). Hope he's correct, because it looks very painful & slightly deformed. Cooper's favorite nurse and my good friend, Pam, weighed him while we were there . . . 7lbs 6oz!!! He's gained 2lbs just since we've left the NICU! Speaking of nurses . . . . . I received a phone call from one of his NICU night nurses, today. Sweet Ms. Joyce called to check on one of her favorite boys. Everyone was so wonderful to us at UT. The nurses, doctors, secretaries - EVERYONE. It's really strange, but I really miss all of them. I guess when you live at the hospital for 40 days, it's only natural to get attached to the people around you.

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