Thursday, February 4, 2010


Here recently, I've been a little concerned about Cooper's developmental progress. He will be 12 weeks old on Tuesday and just a few weeks ago, started focusing on faces . . . So, I'm feeling that we are really behind. I know that I have to view him as a 4 week old baby. It's just really hard sometimes. When I read my friends' statuses and they're excited because their babies are sleeping through the night or only waking up once through the night. Their babies are focusing and following. Their babies are smiling and laughing. Really . . . it just makes me sad. I feel like I missed out on so many things having him 2 months early. Maybe I'm just fearful that I'm going to miss out on his milestones, too. Anyhow, I wrote all of this just to say . . . . . Cooper smiled at me today. It wasn't a smirk from a gas pain or a muscle twitch . . . it was a smile! Three of them, in fact. My heart melted!!! Now, we're starting to get somewhere. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! I'm so happy you have joined me in the blog world!!! This makes my day! :)

    I'm also happy to hear that Cooper has learned to smile...I know this warms your worried-heart! ;)
